
Sunday 31 October 2010

Safety First!!

Singlish chat from 98.7FM

Difference between my Boss and I

Is this true???

When I take long time to finish, I am slow.
When my boss takes a long time, he is thorough.

When I don't do it, i am lazy.
When my boss does not do it, he is busy.

When i do something without being told, i am trying to be smart.
When my boss does the same, he takes the initiative.

When I please my boss, i am apple polishing.
When my boss pleases his boss, he is cooperating.

When I make a mistake, you're an idiot.
When my boss make a mistake, he's only human..

When I am out of office, i am wandering around.
When my boss out of office, he's on business.

When I am on a day off sick, i am always sick.
When my boss is a day off sick, he must be very ill.

When I apply for leave, i must be going for an interview.
When my boss applies for leave, it's because he's overworked.

When I do good, my boss never remembers.

Never laugh at Chinese

A Chinese man walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to China on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese man hands over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title and everything checks out. The Loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Chinese for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the Chinese returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000.

The Chinese replies: "Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there safely when I return."

Amount Of Your Life That You Control

Saturday 30 October 2010

The Swimming Pool Illusion

“In one of the Museum’s courtyards is a swimming pool framed by a limestone deck. When seen from the deck, the pool appears to be filled with deep, shimmering water. In fact, however, a layer of water only some 10 centimeters deep is suspended over transparent glass.” One of the objectives of this artistic project is to create a different viewing experience for spectators — e.g. allowing them to see things in a distorted and rippled manner as if underwater. “The Swimming Pool” was developed by Leandro Erlich.

Below the glass is an empty space with aquamarine walls that viewers can enter. The work sets up an unfolding sequence of experiences — we view the pool through the glass wall enclosing the courtyard; from the deck, looking down into the pool; and from the interior of the pool, looking up. The Swimming Pool might hence be considered a place where, slowly, with time, different perspectives and perceptions of self and others all come to intersect.

Teamwork Tips

In this article I am going to share with you five teamwork tips to help create a more productive work environment. There are many rewarding opportunities when a team works well together and of course when a team fails to work well together the process can be very frustrating. When things are going well people will surprise you as hidden talents and strengths start to shine and the group is flowing together. I have had both rewarding and frustrating experiences working with groups. Here are five teamwork tips that have given me positive experiences.

1. Leadership

For a team to work well together there needs to be a person in the leadership position. Someone who will motivate, inspire, and make sure everyone is moving in the right direction.

2. Clarity

There should be a clear understanding of the purpose of the group. What are the team's goals? What is the team's purpose? What are we striving to accomplish? The clearer this is the easier for people to stay on track.

3. Responsibility

Each member needs to have a clear understanding of what they are responsible for doing. Everyone should know what their job is, when it will be expected, and what the parameters are to work with.

4. Feedback

This is very important as people begin to share their ideas in the group setting. It should be supportive and whenever possible positive. This will help to create a comfortable environment where the team will take chances and be more creative. Learn how to give and receive negative feedback and criticism in a professional and respectful way. It is amazing what people can accomplish when they believe in themselves and are confident in the group.

5. Diversity

This is the most important one; it's what makes a team great. Support the differing strengths of your teammates and allow each person to bring their unique qualities to the project. There can be some incredible surprises when we are open to doing things in new and different ways.


The Fisherman and the Businessman - a classic Brazilian story.

There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small Brazilian village. As he sat, he saw a Brazilian fisherman rowing a small boat towards the shore having caught quite a few big fish. The businessman was impressed and asked the fisherman, “How long does it take you to catch so many fish?” The fisherman replied, “Oh, just a short while.” “Then why don’t you stay longer at sea and catch even more?” The businessman was astonished. “This is enough to feed my whole family,” the fisherman said.

The businessman then asked, “So, what do you do for the rest of the day?” The fisherman replied, “Well, I usually wake up early in the morning, go out to sea and catch a few fish, then go back and play with my kids. In the afternoon, I take a nap with my wife, and evening comes, I join my buddies in the village for a drink — we play guitar, sing and dance throughout the night.”

The businessman offered a suggestion to the fisherman. “I am a PhD in business management. I could help you to become a more successful person. From now on, you should spend more time at sea and try to catch as many fish as possible. When you have saved enough money, you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fish. Soon you will be able to afford to buy more boats, set up your own company, your own production plant for canned food and distribution network. By then, you will have moved out of this village and to Sao Paulo, where you can set up HQ to manage your other branches.”

The fisherman continues, “And after that?” The businessman laughs heartily, “After that, you can live like a king in your own house, and when the time is right, you can go public and float your shares in the Stock Exchange, and you will be rich.” The fisherman asks, “And after that?”

The businessman says, “After that, you can finally retire, you can move to a house by the fishing village, wake up early in the morning, catch a few fish, then return home to play with kids, have a nice afternoon nap with your wife, and when evening comes, you can join your buddies for a drink, play the guitar, sing and dance throughout the night!” The fisherman was puzzled, “Isn’t that what I am doing now?”


Hedonist Luxury Yacht

This 63-foot motoryacht can cruise at speeds up to 40 knots, doing so in nearly unparalleled style. The exterior is cloaked in fine mahogany with glass and metal accents, while the interior is as refined and detailed as a luxury hotel. Hedonist is powered by a set of Rolls Royce water jets, enough to hit that claim of 40 knots as mentioned above.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Oh, those boys

The largest skateboard in the world – 12 times longer, wider and higher than normal skateboard – a few more people a month were made in the USA.

5 Key Traits of Great Leaders

You must have a vision.

We've all heard the saying "You must stand for something, or you'll fall for everything." But what does that really mean? Standing firm when it comes to your company's policies and procedures is all well and good, but it doesn't speak to having a vision. As a leader, you have to learn to communicate your vision or the vision of your company to the people you want to follow you. But how can you do that?

•Learn to paint a picture with words. Speak it, write it, draw it, touch it. Whatever methods you can use to create a picture, do it. As they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words."

•Ask each of the other managers in your company to tell you, in their own words, about the vision of the company. How close is it to what you thought they understood? Is your team on the same page as you?

•As you work, your company's vision should be in your mind every day, and you should reevaluate it occasionally so that it stays current with the changing times in which we live. And remember, your staff needs to be just as involved as you in keeping it up to date if you truly want them to buy in on the vision. Be sure to keep your key players involved.

You must have passion.

Your employees want passion; in fact, they'll go to the ends of earth because of it, live and die for it. Think of the sailors who traveled with Christopher Columbus or Leif Ericsson to explore uncharted territory. Their leaders' passion inspired them to take on new and very dangerous challenges.

To build an extraordinary management team, you've got to light the "fire in their bellies," to get them to feel passion about the company and connect to the leader's vision. Passion is such a key part of being a great leader that if you don't have it, you simply can't be a great leader. Think of all the great leaders throughout the ages and try to name one that did not have passion.

And passion is infectious: When you talk about your vision for the company, let your passion for your vision shine through. Others will feel it and want to get on board with you. If you don't have passion for your vision, you need to recreate your vision or reframe your description of your vision so it's connected to your passion.

You must learn to be a great decision maker.

How are major decisions made in your company? What is your process for making them? For instance, do you talk to your management team and create a list of pros and cons to help you make the best decision? Maybe you conduct a cost analysis. Or do you create a timeline for the implementation strategy, process and timing?

Some leaders have a set process, and others fly by the seat of their pants. But you don't want to be one of those leaders who consults no one before making a decision, announces the change the next day and then gets frustrated when no one follows it. If you're one of those, I urge you to implement a set process.

In fact, here's a system you can use to become a better decision maker. It's called the Q-CAT:

•Q = Quick. Be quick but not hasty.

•C = Committed. Be committed to your decision but not rigid.

•A = Analytical. Be analytical, but don't over-analyze (Too much analysis can cause paralysis.)

•T = Thoughtful. Be thoughtful about all concerned, but don't be obsessive.

When you use the Q-CAT, it'll help you to decide when to bring others into the process and what steps need to be taken to help you make better decisions.

You must be a team builder.

To become a great leader, you must develop a great team or, one might say, a well-oiled machine. But how do you do that? You can start by handing off responsibility to your team and letting your team to run with it. Don't breathe down their necks and don't micromanage, but make yourself available if questions or problems come up. Teach your team to use the Q-CAT decision-making system and give them the freedom to work through their own decisions.

When projects aren't on track or your team is falling behind on deadline, it serves no one if you start pointing fingers. This is when you need to rise to the occasion and inspire confidence in your employees, to let them know you support them and ready to help. Be ready to alter plans and make new ones. Don't forget to use humor to keep your team's spirits up during a crisis. When an emergency hits, your team will look to you to be a tower of strength and endurance.

You must have character.

Without character, all the other "keys" are for naught. That's because your innate character strengths and limitations play a critical role in your leadership style. The real question is, are you aware of just what role they play? All great leaders have taken steps to learn about their individual personality and what part it plays in their leadership style.

So what's your leadership style? If you don't know, there are many leadership style assessments available on the market. Two popular ones that have been around for many years are the Myers-Briggs assessmentand the "360-Degree Feedback" model. There are dozens of other to choose from--the important part is that you "Just do it," as the Nike ad would say, and see how you rate. It's a good way to do a "character check" on yourself and your leadership skills.

Then, once you've done the assessment, the question to ask yourself is, do you feel your character matches what the assessments are pointing out to you?

If you feel the traits don't match who you think you are, then look a little deeper and be honest with yourself. Sometimes our first response is defensive. You might want to assess yourself with a different type of profile and then compare the results. Within the 360 Degree Feedback model, there's an opportunity to see how your employees and peers view you, too. In learning to be a great leader, the first step is to be open to feedback about yourself as a leader and separate it from you the person.

So are you a great leader? Or do you have the desire to become one? Remember, a great leader is someone who has a clear vision and can turn that vision into a vivid picture that others can see. When you speak about your vision, it should be with a passion you feel in your heart, a passion that creates so much enthusiasm that your team will want to jump on board. When major decisions need to be made, you should encourage everyone to use the Q-CAT system and be responsible for his or her own actions. And you should be continually assessing your own character and never stop growing, personally or professionally.

If you can apply the five keys to great leadership, you'll be well on your way to becoming a great leader surrounded by great employees!


Ads vs Reality

Alphaila: “People around the world know fast food as one of the most reliable distributors of disappointment ever produced by the business world. We know that if we ever feel the need to complain about something, we can just grab a page out of a coupon booklet, adorned in pictures of juicy burgers, then go have a party. Why, the restaurants themselves usually plaster their walls with pictures of juicy burgers – often hanging right over your table – so that you need only open your eyes to find something to compare your food with, while you eat it.”

How A Football Is Made ? Adidas Football Factory

Wednesday 27 October 2010


By Nina Jamal and Judith Lindenberger

In the Concise Oxford Dictionary, image is described as "the character or reputation of a person or thing as generally perceived". A first impression based on non-verbal communication goes a long way in influencing this perception. Within seconds of meeting you, based on a single observed physical trait or behavior, people will assume to know everything about you (as is explained in the 2003 book Social Psychology by H. Andrew Michener, John D. Delamater, and Daniel J. Myers). Furthermore, according to research by Dr. Albert Mehrabian of UCLA, appearance and body language (visual image) accounts for fifty-five percent of an invaluable first impression.

The Relationship Between Image and How You Are Perceived

Since light travels faster than sound, you are seen before you are heard. This is why, before even uttering a word your visual image will say a multitude about you as an individual (your perceived level of intelligence, competence, affability, self-esteem, confidence, power, beliefs and success) and about the organization you represent (its philosophy, culture, and standard of service).

You constantly send out silent messages providing clues to both existing and potential clients and colleagues. Based on these clues, they take their cues, e.g. consider you for a job or promotion, consider buying your organization's products and services, etc.

The National Research Council of Canada's Caroline Dunn and Lucette Charette found that, "People are affected by your appearance, whether or not they realize it, and whether or not they think appearance is important." In short, your visual presentation has consequences.

"I work in a field that is devoted to assessing people," states Kathryn Ricker, 30, Statistician, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey. "One of the concepts we talk about is known as the 'halo effect.' That means that if we know certain positive things about a person, we tend to have a generally positive impression of that person, sometimes even in spite of evidence to the contrary. What I'm realizing is that the halo effect also extends to a person's appearance. I think that is why a positive first visual impression is so important. If someone is nicely dressed and looks well put-together, we have greater confidence in his or her abilities even before he or she has said a word. If that is the case, why not always have your halo looking its shiniest?"

The Relationship Between Appearance and Interview Success

Employers are severely irritated by inappropriate dress, mumbling and even poor handshakes by job applicants during interviews. A recent study, conducted by an employment law firm, Peninsula, asked businesses in the United Kingdom what interview habit they found most annoying and found that over a quarter were upset by unsuitable clothing or appearance.

Pamela Monticelli, 50, Senior Recruiter for Sovereign Bank in Tom's River, New Jersey, believes, "Especially in the financial industry, which tends to be a more conservative environment, what a lot of the younger people don't understand is that we are looking for someone to represent the company. So your appearance is not just representative of you; you will also be representing the company the way we want it to be represented." She adds, "I have raised four teenagers and every one of them has, at some point, gotten a piercing or tattoo and has said that 'if I am are going to work for XYZ Company they need to accept me for who I am.' My children need to understand that at some point they might have to modify their appearance to fit into a professional environment. While companies believe in a diverse environment, you also don't want to offend your customers."

Adds Meghan Meyer, 31, Human Resources Manager for The Mercadien Group in Princeton, New Jersey, "A comprehensive and well designed resume will get you to the phone screening process. An articulate person, who speaks confidently about his or her skill sets, will land an interview. But it is how you are perceived during the interview that will leave the lasting impression."

The Relationship Between Clothing and How you Perceive Yourself

Besides being an external cue affecting the response of others toward you, clothing is also an inner cue affecting your self-image. Feeling good about how you look can make you feel good about yourself, thereby increasing your personal presence.

At some time or the other we have all experienced the emotional high of a successful clothing purchase, and when met with validating compliments and supportive attitudes from colleagues, our overall energy level is given an even bigger boost adding to that "feel good" factor.

Karen Dixon, 42, Supervisor, The Mercadien Group, Princeton, New Jersey, indicates, "Dressing in a professional yet stylish manner can give you a tremendous feeling of confidence that is exhibited to others through your attitude and actions."

The opposite is true when we just don't feel right about how we're dressed. The observer meets the ensuing negative energy in kind, potentially causing a further drain to our self-image.

The Relationship Between Clothing and Behavior

Jackson Lewis, a law firm that specializes in personnel issues, polled more than 1000 human resource executives who had implemented a dress down policy. They reported a thirty percent increase in flirtatious behavior, contributing to an increase in sexual harassment lawsuits.

When you wear more powerful looking clothing (e.g. professional business attire, a suit, darker colors, etc.) and clothing that is appropriate for your profession, it changes your mindset -- switching from "relaxed mode" to "professional mode." This positive change in attitude is reflected in body language and behavior (e.g. better posture, firmer handshake, maintaining eye contact, sticking to business, etc.), giving you greater visual power.

The converse is true for more insignificant or inappropriate clothing choices, such as washed out colors or informal ensembles where more traditional clothing choices are the order of the day. Without you even knowing it, people will take the liberty of interpreting what you are saying via your body language and will judge and respond toward you accordingly.

The Relationship Between How You Dress and Your Professional Goals

An indifferent professional image (which spells an indifferent attitude) can cost you valuable clients, adversely affecting your professional goals and your organization's bottom line. However, a well-defined and consistent professional image can improve the perception of your professional abilities, which will increase your potential to attract and hold on to clients. When you to aim to bridge gaps between your personal image and corporate image, there is a positive impact on business relationships plus, you increase your ability to build rapport and fit with the team. You can then start contributing to your team's success and ultimately to the attainment of your own professional goals.

Emily Oswald, 22, Account Manager, TrailGraphix, Washington, D.C., in her first job out of college, states, "My mother always said you don't dress for the position you have. You dress for the position you want. After three months with my company, I was promoted. Out of 300 people in my company, and out of 35 other account managers, I am the youngest one. When I meet with clients, who are typically fifty-year-old attorneys, I always dress more professionally. There is nothing comfortable about wearing a suit and heels but it does affect how you carry yourself and how you are perceived. Dressing professionally has definitely helped me move up quickly in my company. The first impression, and the second and the third, are important."

The Relationship Between Dress and Success for Working Women

While appearance for both men and women can be a key to their success, a survey by Women Work! found that seventy-five percent of the respondents believed that appearance at work affects how women are perceived by others more so than their male counterparts. Nearly eighty percent of the respondents also said that clothes, hairstyle and makeup can make a significant difference in their perceptions and confidence that a woman has the skills and knowledge to perform her job.

The Relationship Between Local Corporate Culture and Global Corporate Culture

Markets differ not only from country to country but also from state to state and town to town. Where on paper the same dress code policy applies, employees often find that when they have meetings at or are transferred to another branch of their company, they face dress culture shock. This leads to time wasted in confusion and awkwardness. However, global, cutting-edge organizations understand all too well that employees are an extension of their corporate brand and that, irrespective of where they set up offices, it is vital that this corporate brand is expressed uniformly throughout the world to promote team spirit amongst employees, and to maintain a consistent image that projects the company's standards and culture to its clients. Bridging the gap between employee image and corporate image is imperative not just locally, but globally too.

10 Thing Employees Can Do

Dress Appropriately. In a more conservative environment (banking, accounting, law, etc.) dressing "alluringly" can be perceived as "provocative," sabotaging your chances of attracting the kind of attention that wins you credibility. Likewise, in a more artistic industry, dressing in a dark colored, boxy suit will cause people to doubt your creativity. Dressing to fit your profession or industry and the situation, goes a long way toward making you feel like you belong with the team and with that particular corporate culture. This allows you to be "in-the-moment" and to focus on the business at hand. It also shows that you understand and respect the level of dress expected from you.

Dress Consistently. Dressing appropriately one day and inappropriately the next sends mixed messages causing confusion for yourself and the observer. Make sure that the way you silently present yourself is consistent with both your professional goals and your audience's expectations.

Dress With Special Attention to Color. Research shows that color is a very powerful communicator that has emotional and physiological affects on both the wearer and the observer. These affects can influence behavior, perception and responses. To best use color to your advantage, determine what your best colors are based on your unique undertone, eye and hair color. You can then use this knowledge as an invaluable tool in putting together your professional wardrobe.

Dress For Your Body Type. Find out your body type and the best fit for your shape. Clothes that are too big or cut for somebody else's silhouette can make you look disheveled.

Dress in The Best Quality You Can Afford. For the discerning wearer, "cheap chic" can be felt, making you uncomfortable (itchy fabric, poor fit); for the discerning viewer, it can be spotted a mile off. Aim to build a core wardrobe with quality rather than quantity. The quality outfits will have a longer life and therefore, work out cheaper in the long run.

Dress With Finesse. Never neglect to cultivate and maintain impeccable grooming habits. Little is more off-putting than body and food odors, greasy hair, overdone makeup, torn pantyhose or socks etc. Your attention to detail will show that you care about all the components that make up the big picture.

Dress It Up a Notch. The more client-oriented your role, the more professional your appearance needs to be. No one wants their banker to look like they just got out of high school or as if they're heading out for a day at the beach.

Dress Into The 21st Century. Throw away all those neon colored clothes, platforms and loud prints. You don't have to look like you just stepped off the pages of Vogue or GQ, but keeping your wardrobe up-to-date shows that you're current rather than dated which can read 'old fashioned'.

Dress For The Part You Want to Play. If you look content with the position you are at, that's exactly where you'll stay. On the other hand, "looking-the-part" can enhance confidence and lend greater credibility to your intended message of where you want to go. Try mirroring the image of the person whose position you aspire to be at. When you look the part, you can play it more convincingly in much the same way that actors do. Jeanine Rhonstein, Co-Chair, Princeton Community Works, indicates, "Often opportunities present themselves to you, not the other way around. If you dress according to where you want others to see you heading, you may find more doors opening." And David Watson, 39, Vice President, TrainRight Solutions in Louisville, Kentucky, seconds by saying, "I live by this motto when it comes to professional dress. 'You dress for where you want to be, not where you are.' This means if you are a manager and you want to move to the executive suite, then you better dress like an executive."

Last but not least …

If You're Fresh Out Of School Get Help. Transitioning from a school wardrobe and environment to a corporate one can be a daunting task. Find out from your organization if they offer professional dress training and then take advantage of it. If not, take the initiative and hire a specialist because when you look and feel your best, your heightened energy level will lead others to take you seriously.

6 Things Employers Can Do

Decide if Casual Dress Is Right For Your Company. The start of causal dress days began on the West Coast to encourage creativity. However, based on a survey of 500 companies, Dr. Jeffrey L. Magee, a consulting psychologist, found that continually relaxed dress leads to relaxed manners, relaxed morals, relaxed productivity and an increase in complaints to Human Resources. Make an informed decision about casual dress based on your culture and business goals.

Write Policies. Employees are often confused about dress expectations at work. On the one hand, they may receive compliments from their colleagues, and on the other hand, they are reprimanded for not being professionally dressed. These mixed signals can lead to misunderstandings. Provide clear dress guidelines for each professional level in the organization and be ready and willing to provide consequences to employees who do not follow the policy.

Provide Professional Appearance and Etiquette Training. Offer employees a professional image seminar if they lack basic know-how in this area and reinforce dress code guidelines during new employee orientation.

Provide Sexual Harassment Training. Dressing provocatively can lead to flirtatious behavior and increased sexual harassment complaints. Failure to adopt a proactive and aggressive stance on sexual harassment in the workplace can result not only in costly lawsuits, but also in loss of employee morale, decline in productivity, and an erosion of a company's public image. It is much less expensive to implement sexual harassment policies and training than it is to be involved in one sexual harassment lawsuit. Provide employees with clear examples of inappropriate behavior and dress and train supervisors to deal with complaints.

Provide Global Training Programs. With the exception of marketing materials, your employees are the first point of contact for customers and clients. Ensure that, irrespective of geographical location, employees are on the same page in terms of expected behaviors and company image.

Last but not least …

Hold Leaders Accountable to Model Your Company Image. When leaders fail to live up to your company image, employees become de-motivated and angry. Provide ongoing training, coaching and review of company leaders.

The work world demands making a great first impression and keeping it. To communicate more intuitively day-to-day, start by understanding appearance psychology and non-verbal communication techniques. Doing so can lead to greater professional and personal success. If you don't believe us, then perhaps you will believe Mark Twain, who said, "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."


Belonging of Mexican Drug Lord Gets Busted

Some time thinks could happen more then your expectation, Mexican cops went to such experience when a Mexican Drug lord gets busted.